DLyte PRO500 - Revolutionising Surgical Instrument Cleaning and Manufacturing

By ActOn Finishing Ltd
schedule19th Aug 24

A leading European manufacturer of stainless steel surgical instruments has significantly enhanced its production quality and efficiency by introducing the DLyte PRO500 in his manufacturing process. Utilising this advanced surface finishing technology, the company has successfully addressed key industry challenges, setting new standards for cleanliness, durability, and biocompatibility in the medical device sector.

Challenges in Surgical Instrument Manufacturing

In the manufacturing of surgical instruments, such as scissors, clamps, and dental tools, achieving a flawless surface finish is critical. Imperfections like burrs and fissures can harbor bacteria, leading to increased risks of contamination. Furthermore, frequent exposure to harsh conditions necessitates that these instruments resist corrosion and maintain their functionality over time.

Traditional surface finishing methods have often been inconsistent, time-consuming, and costly. Recognising the need for a more efficient and reliable solution, the manufacturer sought a partnership with ActOn Finishing to refine their process.

DLyte Dry-Electropolishing Innovative Solution

This customer was provided with an advanced electrolytic media process, specifically tailored to the stainless steel surgical instruments. The solution involved the use of the DLyte PRO500 machine, which was capable of processing up to 96 instruments per cycle with a significantly reduced surface roughness and the elimination of defects such as burrs and milling lines.

Outstanding Results and Efficiency Gains

The finishing process was optimised through a two-step procedure that reduced surface roughness to below 0.2 microns within just 60 minutes. This improvement allowed the manufacturer to increase daily output to 670 instruments, leading to an annual production of 167,500 units with a single shift operation. This marked a significant improvement in efficiency and consistency compared to the previous manual methods.

Cost and Environmental Impact

In addition to improving product quality, the new process has also been highly cost-effective. The operational expenditure (OPEX) per part was reduced to €0.3, with capital expenditure (CAPEX) at €0.7 per part over five years. This represented a production cost reduction of over 60% compared to traditional methods. Moreover, the process is more environmentally friendly, offering easier waste management and a reduced footprint.

DLyte Technology: A New Benchmark in Surface Finishing

The DLyte technology not only ensures high-quality finishes across various metals and alloys but also significantly improves corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. This breakthrough in surface finishing technology has set a new benchmark in the industry, enabling manufacturers to achieve superior results with greater efficiency.


For more information on ActOn Finishing’s surface finishing solutions or to request a free trial, visit ActOn Finishing. You can also read more about this case study in the latest article.

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